
Quarterly Event Insights

Events held July - December 2022

Finding The Way Forward


Check Out Our Newest Quarterly Event Insights

January 2023  |  Audit, Analysis & Recommendations

We keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening in corporate event planning, strategy, and execution, helping you dial into key ideas and get ready for what's to come.

Events have undergone some major changes over the last couple of years. The lingering effects of the pandemic, inflation, labor shortages, supply chain demands, and having to do more with less budget have all made a big impact on 2022 events. Unfortunately, we expect these challenges to linger into 2023.

And where there is challenge, there is also opportunity.

In our recent Quarterly Event Insightsincluding observations and events over the second half of 2022—we dig deeper into event trends, looking for ways event teams can stand out and shine in 2023. We offer a primer on emerging tech tools and tactics, as well as ideas for meeting (and exceeding) growing demand for business leaders and brands to meet diversity, equality and inclusion targets and improve sustainability. 

In this newest edition of our Quarterly Event Insights, we cover:

  • An analysis of 16 events, (adding to our 150 events since March 2020) some hosted by enterprise-scale technology providers serving a global audience
  • Detailed analysis of prominent events both digital, in-person & on-demand
  • Recommendations from our experts on building an engaging, strategic in-person and digital experience
  • Our expectations of what's to come

Event strategists must now design with sustainable and meaningful options, broaden their approach to community-building, and evolve their presentation and engagement practices. By seeking the satisfy multi-generational attendees' needs and desires, you can find your way forward to the next generation of events. 

Download your copy and contact us to take your event strategy to the next level.


Design seamless events that achieve your business goals and create memorable experiences with our expertise.